Wednesday 3 February 2016



Air pollution is considered one of the major environmental issues which affecting people across the world. According to the WHO, there is corroboration that ratio of particulate matter is increasing in Asia recently. Beijing is far from the only city in China affected with very serious air pollution crisis. In fact, many of these cities are actually sharing much. As, rapidly increase air Pollution levels in Beijing trigger the city first Red Alert in 2013. But it’s considerably worthwhile remembering the 20 years back such a protest wouldn’t have been there. Indeed, Beijing nearly 20millions residents living, smog that penetrate the air and fill the lungs of those who breathe it frequently. The smog is purely thick buildings are obscured and people are warned to stay back inside to avoid much risk to their lungs. Although the Great Wall of China isn’t visible from space due to the smog laminate in the clouds and also airlines are often forced to cancel flights.

Beijing is considered to be the  one of the major air polluted cities in china and it is concluded according to the group of researcher from shanghai academy of social sciences. Particulate matter mostly originates from dust storms, shrub fires, burning of fossil fuels, power plant, but also various Textile industries has increased significant amounts of particulates recently. Indeed, vehicle contribution is around 5 million and it is considered as the huge drawback to the residents. Air can be contaminated by a range of different sequenced particles of which many could harm our immune system, especially very small particles such as half micrometer 0.00002 that enter into the lungs and bloodstream later it would be the root to the serious health issues. In Asia various country’s pollution caused by particulate matter is spreading to the new areas quickly. 

For The first time they had raised the alarm to its top level since an emergency air-pollution response system was announced in 2013 by the WHO. Once Again, at last December had affected by this red alert system in Beijing. A red alert should go in effect if there is some prediction the air quality will reach 250 as “unhealthy” to 300 as “hazardous”. One of the most dangerous air pollutants measured level is PM 2.5, which stands for Particulate Matters that is smaller than 2.5 microns measured in diameter. These small particulates enter deeply in to the human respiratory system and it is associated with the deadly diseases.

Apart from this Pollution Crisis, North china tenacious smog problem is considered as more newfangled political issue than technological. China Industrialisation has created more pollution than humans do much. Almost the Sky observed enough toxic smog rather than snow during winters.  In a green tied of environmental awareness and NGO activities that has been slowly rising across the country since the red alert occurred. Most of the Chinese people in Metro cities and villages are begun to look at the environmental pollution that has accompanied for nearly three decades of economic support.  The middle class people are starting to demand the right to enjoy the fresh air and water.Majority of farmers are raising their voice about the Industries causing pollution to their cultivation. The People in and around would agree on china preserving bio diversity and forcing to reduce the air pollution for the world goodness. 

Mostly, the pressure has been seen from the foreign foundations and Local NGOs and they would have been playing a huge role to put the country on a more sustainable path. According to the Center for disease and prevention said that the average 18 year old resident in Beijing would suffer and spend 40% of his remaining life in ill factor. In a chocking moment nearly 120000 fake masks has been utilized by the Beijing residents. One of the UK Firms develop High-Tech air prevention mask to overcome this issue in china as soon possible and also it eliminates 99% of Viruses and bacteria from the polluted air. Finite solution to overcome this problem by keep planting the finite trees nearby the buildings and industries would massively reduce the 30% marginally.  Famous Architect Luciano pia says if, we plant 150 trees and it has the capability to absorb around 200000 litters of Co2 emission per hour. 

The only suggestion given from the world is “keep planting and keep breathing”. We want a good “air” to breathe and let everyone to have a Vitamin D from sunlight and won’t let us again to stay back inside the buildings with masks. To keep the environment healthier and safely we need a severe action must be taken to prevent the Red alert version of air pollution. Indeed, to make it possible we will require the coordinated action by Every Chinese citizen whoever would love to stay healthy and committed to the environment protection and make china to become a Free zone from pollution.

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