Wednesday 3 February 2016



Air pollution is considered one of the major environmental issues which affecting people across the world. According to the WHO, there is corroboration that ratio of particulate matter is increasing in Asia recently. Beijing is far from the only city in China affected with very serious air pollution crisis. In fact, many of these cities are actually sharing much. As, rapidly increase air Pollution levels in Beijing trigger the city first Red Alert in 2013. But it’s considerably worthwhile remembering the 20 years back such a protest wouldn’t have been there. Indeed, Beijing nearly 20millions residents living, smog that penetrate the air and fill the lungs of those who breathe it frequently. The smog is purely thick buildings are obscured and people are warned to stay back inside to avoid much risk to their lungs. Although the Great Wall of China isn’t visible from space due to the smog laminate in the clouds and also airlines are often forced to cancel flights.

Beijing is considered to be the  one of the major air polluted cities in china and it is concluded according to the group of researcher from shanghai academy of social sciences. Particulate matter mostly originates from dust storms, shrub fires, burning of fossil fuels, power plant, but also various Textile industries has increased significant amounts of particulates recently. Indeed, vehicle contribution is around 5 million and it is considered as the huge drawback to the residents. Air can be contaminated by a range of different sequenced particles of which many could harm our immune system, especially very small particles such as half micrometer 0.00002 that enter into the lungs and bloodstream later it would be the root to the serious health issues. In Asia various country’s pollution caused by particulate matter is spreading to the new areas quickly. 

For The first time they had raised the alarm to its top level since an emergency air-pollution response system was announced in 2013 by the WHO. Once Again, at last December had affected by this red alert system in Beijing. A red alert should go in effect if there is some prediction the air quality will reach 250 as “unhealthy” to 300 as “hazardous”. One of the most dangerous air pollutants measured level is PM 2.5, which stands for Particulate Matters that is smaller than 2.5 microns measured in diameter. These small particulates enter deeply in to the human respiratory system and it is associated with the deadly diseases.

Apart from this Pollution Crisis, North china tenacious smog problem is considered as more newfangled political issue than technological. China Industrialisation has created more pollution than humans do much. Almost the Sky observed enough toxic smog rather than snow during winters.  In a green tied of environmental awareness and NGO activities that has been slowly rising across the country since the red alert occurred. Most of the Chinese people in Metro cities and villages are begun to look at the environmental pollution that has accompanied for nearly three decades of economic support.  The middle class people are starting to demand the right to enjoy the fresh air and water.Majority of farmers are raising their voice about the Industries causing pollution to their cultivation. The People in and around would agree on china preserving bio diversity and forcing to reduce the air pollution for the world goodness. 

Mostly, the pressure has been seen from the foreign foundations and Local NGOs and they would have been playing a huge role to put the country on a more sustainable path. According to the Center for disease and prevention said that the average 18 year old resident in Beijing would suffer and spend 40% of his remaining life in ill factor. In a chocking moment nearly 120000 fake masks has been utilized by the Beijing residents. One of the UK Firms develop High-Tech air prevention mask to overcome this issue in china as soon possible and also it eliminates 99% of Viruses and bacteria from the polluted air. Finite solution to overcome this problem by keep planting the finite trees nearby the buildings and industries would massively reduce the 30% marginally.  Famous Architect Luciano pia says if, we plant 150 trees and it has the capability to absorb around 200000 litters of Co2 emission per hour. 

The only suggestion given from the world is “keep planting and keep breathing”. We want a good “air” to breathe and let everyone to have a Vitamin D from sunlight and won’t let us again to stay back inside the buildings with masks. To keep the environment healthier and safely we need a severe action must be taken to prevent the Red alert version of air pollution. Indeed, to make it possible we will require the coordinated action by Every Chinese citizen whoever would love to stay healthy and committed to the environment protection and make china to become a Free zone from pollution.



1. Mount Huangshan (安徽黄山)

Huangshan mount, is situated in Anhui province in China. It is known as 'the lovely mountain of China' because it was critically acclaimed by art and literature through the part of Chinese history during mid-16th century. It is a highly scenic natural area showing good recession of glaciations, and composed of numerous peaks, fancy combinations of-shaped rocks, huge waterfalls, light caves, and hot springs, all of which are well-preserved. Today it holds the same fascinating factors, historical poets, ancient painters. For photographers who come up on pilgrimage to take some nice pictures this place is the right choice. It is renowned for its magnificent natural scenery which is made up of many granite, peaks and rocks emerging out from the sea of clouds.

2. Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Lake (甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山和月牙泉)

Echoing Sand Mountain is covered of dunes surrounding by the famous Crescent Lake. It is widely known for its distinctive shapes and aural familiar characteristics and also you would wonder its echoes can be heard as well as the wind blows over the dunes. It is preserved because which is believed it to be about 2000 year’s old property and this spot is the major tourist place. The water level increase gradually during every mid annum and also when it gets dry it will be refilled. It is next to the lake pagoda and lined with the formation of souvenir stalls and considerably most of the tourist would love to take a camel ride in this desert.

3. Huangguoshu Waterfall (贵州黄果树瀑布)

Huangguoshu Waterfall is the greatest waterfalls in China and it is situated nearby Baishui River in Anshun, Guizhou province. Height is 77.8 m and wide of 101 meter. it was the main attraction of the Guizhou province.This is considerably the highest waterfall in Asia, and it’s called as "Yellow Fruit Tree" the Waterfall plunges 77.8 meters high and 101 m wide. It's one of a huge mammoth 360 degree view from almost any angle. Good time to visit is during June to August that time almost the water reaches a peak flow of 700 cubic meters consistently. During the Rainy season you would have a rainbow scene in this waterfall with thundering.

Sunday 31 January 2016



Yunnan Province is located in the Southern part of China; It is often called as fascinating beautiful land which has many sightseeing places. Now we are looking down it to a top 10 list that you should visit during your trip to china, the list includes the most famous tourist places such as Shangri-La, Lijiang Ancient Town and Yuan yang Rice Terraces.

                        Shanfri-La is situated in the west side of Yunnan province. It is considered as the UNESCO World famous Heritage spot such as Three Parallel Rivers National Park is just located in Shangri-la country. Shangri-La is a sterling land where natural ecology system and traditional Chinese culture are perfectly preserved; it is horned with the title of”the Garden of High Mountain” and “Kingdom of Plants and Animals”. The whole country has 26 nationalities and the main people are Tibetans. Shangri-La has 24 famous tourist attractions including the famous Meili Snow full Mountain, Napa Lake and also Songzanlin.

2. The Old Town of Lijiang

It also known as Dayan Town is situated in west side of Yunnan province at height of 3000 meters from the sea level. It was initiated to build first in the Yuan dynasties and then by prosperous in Ming and Qing dynasties. The ultimate beauty of the Naxi culture, and the blending elements of song and yuan dynasties, that leads to list in the UNESCO heritage since1997.

Lugu Lake is a plateau lake between Yunnan and Sichan provinces. The lake is located 200 km for away from the Old Town of Lijiang city and also many visitors would like to visit the lake from Lijiang. Lugu Lake is situated 2690 meters height from the sea level with depth of more than 45 meters. The color of the lake is blue and crystal clear look leads the lake to call by “the Pearl of the Plateau”.

Dali is a self government region situated in theYunnan province. Dali is considered as most important cultural exchange and trade center in between China and some Asian countries. During the Tang and Song dynasties, the Nanzhao Kingdom and Dali Kingdom were ruled more than 500 years. Dali city is widely famous for its ancient town called Cangshan Mountain and the Erhai Lake view is distinct.


Tengchong Hot Sea is a geothermal area which relating to the internal heat which caused inside the earh and also with lots of hot springs. This place is situated about 20km away from the west of Tengchong city. It has many sightseeing wonders including the Big Boiling Cauldron, and the Pearl of fountain and some others places. They have very best service from the following treatment like therapeutic diseases related to the rheumatism, and osteoarthritis problems and stroke sequel order and finally the skin diseases.

This Forest Park is situated to the east of Jinghong city, Xishangbanna Province. Often called as virgin forest and it is considered nearest place from the Jinhong city. The park is a blend of tropical forest consist some wild animals and traditional culture and different customs. The ultimate of this park is the well established and preserved like a Jungle Tropical woods.


Stone Forest is situated nearly 80 km away from the east region of Kunming city and it is the capital of Yunnan province. It consist various distinct features such as vivid natural stone masterpieces and also some intricate formations. When you are walking to the Stone Forest you would be stunned by the magnificent and peculiar labyrinthine vistas. The fact is Stone Forest is naturally very big and you need to spend whole day to explore it considerably.


This Snow Mountain is located 15 kilometers away from the region of Lijiang city. It is the most southeast snowy mountain in the northern hemisphere. The snow mountain is 35 km long from the borth to the south and 13 km from to west. In this area there is one highest peak which is called Shanzidou at an elevation of 5596 meters from the sea level. This place is enclosed with snows so, it is a good place to for hiking and having fun with the friends and family.


The Three Pagodos are located in Chongsheng Temple, 1.5 km to the north of Dali city. This temple was built during the period of Tang Dynasty in between 714 AD and also it is considered as the royal temple for Nanzhao kingdom and Dali Kingdom as well as. The Three pagodos includes three independent pagodas which form a symmetric triangle is a must-do thing for Dali visitors.


Yuanyang Rice Terraces is situated in the southern part of Ailao Mountain, and it is for away from Kunming city moreover 330 km distance. The terraces are a masterpiece by the generations of Hani people. From the Helicopter view you could see the real beauty of these terraces. The Yuanyang Terraces is most famous for the grandiose region with wide shallower slopes and it is a popular place for the photography you can take photos with most beautiful background. Actually, this place was considered as most amazing natural art, and we couldn’t define in a single word about this place. So, it has included in the list of World cultural Heritage since 2013.

Saturday 30 January 2016

The Great Wall

 China’s Great Wall is one of the world’s great feats of engineering and an enduring monument to the strength of an ancient civilization.China’s iconic Great Wall, actually a network of fortifications rather than a single structure, is the product of countless labors over a period of some two thousand years. Qin Shi Huang took the remnants of truly ancient fortifications, walls, and earthworks begun in the fifth century B.C. and linked them into a unified wall circa 220 B.C. as part of a massive project to protect China against marauding barbarians from the north. By the time construction on most of the stone-and-brick Great Wall, with its turrets and watchtowers, was completed during the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) the   chang cheng had become the world’s largest human-made object. A recent government mapping project revealed that the entire Great Wall structure spans some 5,500 miles (8,850 kilometers) from the Korean border west into the Gobi desert. Of that total 3,889 miles (6,259 kilometers) were actual wall, while 223 miles (359 kilometers) were trenches and (1,387 miles) 2,232 kilometers were natural defensive barriers, like rivers or steep hills, incorporated into the new systems.

Though new sections of the wall have recently been uncovered, several sections of the structure have vanished during the past half century or so. Mao Zedong himself encouraged destruction of parts of the wall and reuse of its materials in the 1950s, and rural farmers still make use of the wall’s earth and stone for practical purposes. Some 50 percent of the original ancient structure has already disappeared, and perhaps another 30 percent lies crumbling into ruins—even as Chinese and international organizations struggle to preserve what remains of this unique treasure.


The wall has endured centuries of seasons and remains ready to host visitors year round. The Beijing region has icy winters, but the hardy will find far fewer crowds than during the peak summer seasons. Autumn is often delightful near Beijing with mild weather (43° to 64°F/6° to 18°C) and reduced tourist crowds. Wind and dust can be common in springtime. China is a nation of festivals, so consider timing a visit to coincide with a celebration in the shadows of the wall.



India is always special and unique in the world for Indian culture and traditions. But it’s also might famous for its marvelous Food. Nowadays, Indian foods are getting famous and attracted, available in all part of the world. So, don’t worry whoever dwelling outside India. Actually, the food also derived from the various civilizations and now it should be modernized form. Most of the Foods are nutritional and well considered as medicinal and healthy. Each Indian Metro cities having own peculiarity of all time favorites snacks. When you are getting growing in stomach completely this is the best choice I offer fast foods. I should begin the list of Indian fast Foods.
PANI PURI is also often called Golgappa in North India, Pani Puri in Mumbai (Bombay), Puchka in West Bengal region. It falls under Chaat Category; chaat was derived in Emperor ShahJahan, Mughal Period. Do you remember him; let me help you, TAJ MAHAL it was built by him.  Pani Puri is one of the most famous Fast food in India and its available all part of the region easily. When, you walk around the streets you can find it. Pani Puri is the most favorite items for everyone in India. It’s very spicy, tangy as well as combined with sweet tastes. It’s shaped in round and the ingredients are quite simple like wheat flour, water, green peas and potato. Inside the Puri you can find the Mint sauce water, Tamarind chutney, chilli, chaat masala, and onion and boiled Potato. It can be served with the order Puri, Green chutney, Water floured in pleasantly.

Chole Bhature is one of the most staple foods in India. It is like popular Punjabi recipe, now liked all over India frequently even foreigner’s too. It is tasty and mostly available in throughout Delhi cities. It’s spicy and comes with the fried flat bread I bet definitely these combinations make you to feel the taste. The consistency of the taste and curry might slightly differ like the layers and dry. The spicy curry made with the chickpeas and bhatura. The key ingredients for the taste is adding Garam Masala( Powders) and Turmeric powders, hing. The bhatura made with the wheat and it serve along with the chopped onions, lemon and green chilies. The course is commonly eaten in Break Fast and snacks.


Poha- Jalebi is like quite famous breakfast food in Indore, Madhya Pradesh actually it’s located in central India and also this raw rice is popular across in Nepal and Bangladesh regions. We often called it as Pohe.  It is light and easy Fast food in a variety of Indian Cuisines and also it is served with Sev & Nukti and with some Sweets like Jalebi. In my place Potato flavored Poha is usually available and it very tasty, crispy and healthy food. Poha is made from beaten rice, which is flattened into dry flakes. The volume of rice is added with liquid neither hot nor cold water, but sometime rich in taste when added with milk. Flakes thickness would be slightly vary according to the rice. In Mumbai, Poha is cooked with mustards, turmeric powder, chili and some chopped onions then some masala would add up some taste finally steamed for a few minutes and served.


Litti Choka  is a Indian traditional dish available  mainly in Bihar and Jharkhad region. The orgin have always been undefined but its presence has been found through the cookbook. The combinations of Ingredients are Wheat flour, carom seeds, soda and Curd. The stuffing has to be filled inside and it’s made with Sattu and all the ingredients mentioned under Litti. Hardly will it take 30 minutes to prepare. It is eaten with Brinjal or mashed potato. Choka is usually prepared at home and each restaurant has a different taste, but it is also sold at streets. The dish is rarely known but it gained some popularity outside Bihar. It is baked and presented with coriander sauce and mint sauce.


Aloo Tikki is an Indian Favourite dish and it’s predominantly available in Lucknow and other part of India too. But the origin was from East Pakistan and India. When, I was in school I usually get this often from cafeteria. You would enjoy them with the best companion of Green chutney and tomato ketchup. This, dish has some variations in the combinations like potato and spices, potato and also green peas. It consists Boiled potato, Peas, Chillies, Coriander leaves, chat Powders. Hardly will it take 30 minutes to prepare it. Served with Mint sauce will be the best choice I advise.


Dabeli is an Delicious dish in Gujarat and its mainly originated from Kutch region. It is a street food usually known for Kachchhi dabeli mostly available in Gujarat as well as Mumbai. Sometimes it is called as Indian burger. The preparation for the dish will be like first slice the burgers into half sleeves, fill up with potato, chopped onion, peanuts, pomegranate and garlic paste. Now finally it would be fried and ready to serve with the Mint sauce. In fact Dabeli is now available.


Kachori is an Indian spicy crispy Snack available in all part of the region predominantly in Delhi, Rajasthan, Mumbai and Gujarat. It is originated from west side of India. It is very popular dish available outside India as well. There is variety of Kachori versions available like an android OS, Mawa Kachori, Sweet up was kachori, Dahi-kheeray kachori. It is made by round flattened ball made of fine flour filled with a stuffing of baked mixture like a Moong dal, gram flour, pepper, red chilli, Potato, coconut and sugar to the taste. It is often served with my Favourite Mint sauce and Coriander sauce.


Dosa is a best Indian delicious Dish which is originated from Tamil nadu; it is located in south state of India. It is considered as the Staple food for the south Indian as well as East Part of Asian Countries mostly. Dosa is Indigenous to Tami nadu and also mentioned in tamil literature during 1stcentury A.D. One general fact is Dosa comes under the World top 50 Dishes list. It is made from the Fermented rice and white lentils are soaked in water then finally grounded well ready for fermentation nearly one night it demands. Here temperature is crucial for the crispness. Indeed, we have seen the poha dish previously, if you add poha slightly the softness and crisp retains. Then spread the dosa batter on the pan and do some flips finally wonderful dosa is ready and also the right combination is Coconut sauce, mint sauce and sambhar.


Akki rot is special item which is originated from Bangalore city usually Bangalore city is known for Tech parks. Do you know one fact some dishes never make you to bore as like I was attracted by this Akki rot since my childhood. This is a rice based breakfast and unique mark to this state. It is made of with Rice flour which is mixed with the water, salt to make the dough   many soft then chopped onions, grated carrots, some coriander, cumin seeds. Now we have to follow up like dosa process and it would be served with the Mint sauce and Coconut sauce.


Channa Masala is also known for Chole Masala or Chhloy which is originated from Punjab and Pakistan cuisines. This piquant flavour curry is the most popular vegetarian dish in India. Although a popular street snack hawked with eagerness on Restaurants, work place, Festivals and functions. The hero in this dish is Chickpeas (garbanzo) and subordinate items like onions, ginger, chillies, and coriander to form a tangy then finally aroma of curry is ready. It is really matters a lot balancing the spices in channa. It is served as a snack and eaten as breakfast in Lahore and in Gujarat considered as Main meal. The Best Pair up is with Flat bread.